We just wanted to remind you all that the Gifford Woods AGM will be held in a couple of weeks, and also provide you an opportunity before then to read and review the Minutes of our 2019 AGM.
You can read and review the 2019 AGM Minute (held on 2nd September 2019) by clicking here.
As for this year, please remember that the 2020 AGM will be held on Monday 2nd November at 7.30pm, digitally via Zoom (details below). Joining Instructions for this Zoom Meeting are:
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88258889331?pwd=a2FLM1Yzdk1oNHFVS1loS29OUXJBdz09
- Meeting ID: 882 5888 9331
- Passcode: 474745
If you've not used Zoom before, you can find out more at: https://zoom.us/.